Calendar of Parish Council Meetings 2024-25
The Parish Council meets monthly, usually on the last Thursday of the month. Meetings may be subject to change, so do check before attending.
The meeting dates for 2024 / 25 can be found below:
PC meeting dates 2024-2025 – Final Approved
The Parish Council welcome attendance by members of the public.
Agendas will be posted on the website and Newton Village Life Facebook Group, and on the Parish Council Notice Board in advance of all meetings.
Please note that there are also two statutory meetings that are held annually:
1 – The Annual Parish Meeting
The annual parish meeting is a quite separate body from the council, but it is usually arranged and hosted by the council. The annual parish meeting is a legacy from the Middle Ages, when local councils did not exist, and all local decision making was carried out by meetings of the whole community. This meeting must be held each year between 1st March and 1st June.
The annual parish meeting is open to all electors of the parish, who have the right not only to attend but also to speak on any matter of local interest.
It is an opportunity for local groups and organisations to give a short report about their work, and also for the council to update parishioners about the work that they have done in the past year.
Details of the 2024 meeting date can be found here
2 – The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (Like an AGM)
The council needs to hold an annual meeting to carry out those things that only need doing once a year such as electing a Chair and Vice Chair, and appointing representatives to other bodies (such as the Village Hall Committee, Burial Committee etc)
In year of ordinary elections of parish Councillors, the meeting shall be held within fourteen days after the elected Councillors take office.
In any other year, the meeting shall be held on any day in May.
Date of the 2024 meeting is 16th May 7pm in the Village Hall and details can be found here