

Reference:          R22/0720          


For:                       Change of use of land to a recreational fishery including the erection of fence line to aid identification of public right of way and associated works. Includes retrospective amendments to the entrance of the site and regularisation of previously imported soils to the entrance of site and Hillcrest Lakes.

The Parish Council responded to the consultation with the following response:

“Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above application. 

Newton and Biggin Parish Council has no objection in principle to the introduction of a ‘recreational fishery’ on the site. However, it does have some concerns which it would ask the Local Planning Authority to address before, or within, the granting of any planning permission.

  1. As is well known the site forms part of a larger area that was subject to unauthorised and uncontrolled tipping in the 1990s. It is understood that the precise nature and potential toxicity of that tipped material remains unknown. A wide-ranging injunction that effectively precludes any activity on the site was secured and remains in place. Upon the death of the previous owner the site was divided up between various family members. The current application site is drawn very tightly around the River Avon and lakes and excludes a substantial area of tipped land. The applicant apparently has no control over that adjoining land which is unfortunate since it removes from the LPA any opportunity to secure its remediation. Furthermore, the division of ownership effectively land locks that adjoining tipped area further reducing any chance of its future remediation. The application site itself was subject to unauthorised tipping and whilst the proposals include some sampling it is not entirely clear where and how this will be undertaken.
  1. The ground levels relative to the river and lakes were substantially raised by the unauthorised fishing. Those who have used the site in the past report that it is unsuitable for recreational rod fishing because the land is so much higher than the water. If correct this suggests that remodelling of the landform will be required. There does not seem to be any reference to this in the application.
  2. The Parish Council is not able to assess whether the uncontrolled tipping on the land causes a pollution risk to the River Avon and whether this might be worsened by the proposals. It is assumed that the Environment Agency will be fully engaged in addressing this issue.
  3. The proposal involves the substantial intensification of an existing access onto the A5(T). No doubt Highways England will determine whether this is in the interests of the ‘free and safe flow of traffic’ on the Trunk Road.

In conclusion whilst Newton and Biggin Parish Council has no objection to the introduction of a recreational fishery it is aware of the history of serious issues on the site and a wider area of which, until recently, it formed part. It is hoped that the proposal provides an opportunity to address those issues, but it would be unfortunate if it resulted in it being even more difficult for them to be resolved either now or in the future.”



Reference:          R22/0551           


For:                       Application for full planning permission for storage and distribution floorspace (Class B8 use), with ancillary offices, associated car parking, HGV parking, landscaping and infrastructure.

The Parish Council responded to the consultation with the following response:

“Thank you for giving the Parish Council the opportunity to comment on this application.

The site is allocated for development for employment purposes in the Rugby Local Plan. The Plan requires the site to be developed with a variety of relatively small units, presumably to provide greater diversity in the range of accommodation available for local companies and those looking to invest in the area than exists at present. An application was subsequently submitted and approved that was compliant with the Local Plan. The Parish Council raised no objection.

The current proposal is for a single monolithic unit to occupy the entire site. The applicant has submitted a substantial amount of evidence to demonstrate that there is no market appetite for smaller units. Furthermore, they have identified a potential occupier already based in Rugby.

The Parish Council has sought the applicant’s agreement to mitigation measures to offset the impact of the large unit on the local community but unfortunately these have not reached a successful conclusion.

Whilst the applicant’s evidence supporting a large unit is compelling, it should be remembered that the Local Plan seeks to shape the development of Rugby until 2030. The policy requiring smaller units on the site is important in contributing to Rugby having a balanced economy, and to abandon it when the Plan has 8 years to run, in response to a snapshot of market conditions would, in the Parish Council’s view, be premature.

The Parish Council has not, and does not object to the principle of the development of the site but it would urge the Local Planning Authority not to give approval to a proposal that is contrary to the Local Plan unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this would not compromise its intent to provide for the balanced and sustainable economic growth of Rugby”